Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Yilva Kalmanson: LA VOLUPTUOSIDAD DEL INTELECTO: Hoy en dia vivimos en una cultura donde predomina la delgadez extrema como factor de la belleza tanto masculina como feme...


Hoy en dia vivimos en una cultura donde predomina la delgadez extrema como factor de la belleza tanto masculina como femenina.  Los medios  de comunicacion juegan un papel importante puesto que nos disparan imágenes donde sólo las personas delgadas son “bellas” y “exitosas”  La industria de la moda no tiene que ser necesariamente la  principal causa de de los desórdenes alimentarios como La bulimia, pero a veces los provoca. Si me tuviera que someter a que otros me digan que ese es el ideal de belleza física prefiero quedarme con lo que tengo.  Una chica delgada, con caderas y senos voluptuosos, es el modelo ideal de la belleza femenina de nuestra época.
Empecemos reconociendo que las calles estan pobladas de ejemplares muy atractivos, tanto hombres como mujeres.  Debemos estar claros que la belleza  física  ayuda pero no garantiza el éxito de una persona en su vida. Es una fantasia que se difumina muy rápido. Por ejemplo, un hombre tranquilo puede sentirse atraído por una mujer ... nos atrae físicamente del otro sexo suelen ser rasgos físicos opuestos a los nuestros, se produce una atraccion física . Desde ese monento, aunque esa mujer tan deseada y las mas guapa de la cuadra no garantiza la consolidación de una relación permanente como la compatibilidad y otros . En la mayoría de los casos esta clases de atracciones infactuosas son de carácter efímero
 Simplemente intento expresar mi frustración por aquellas chicas que sufren a diario inviertiendo tremendas cantidades de tiempo y dinero para convertirse sin duda alguna en esclavas de una falsa creencia, en la cual el éxito  no se produce,  sin que la belleza fisica se encuentre  a nuestro lado.

Soy una ferviente seguidora de mis  propias creencias No hace falta ser muy avispado para derse cuenta que las sociedades meramente capitalistas se enriquecen  sin escrúpulos de los más débiles y con menos ventajas vendiendo promesas falsas. Debido a todas estas concepciones, muuhos piensan que la belleza se encuentra en lo fisico. ... que tener a nuestro lado una persona con un fisico envidiable nos hará felices?

Pero en vez de recurrir a lo superfluo, se me ha ocurrido la idea promover lo opuesto.  y crear tu propio plan. Eso es, ser tu misma.  Justamente desarrollar  una inteligencia voluptuosa que logres cautivar  y obtener tus  propósitos. Conducir al  mayor de los enjambres de abejas  y salir de viva sin obtener una sola picada. apodérate de tu propia inteligencia, a fin de volverla inventiva, capaz de encontrar los mejores medios para cumplir tu mision,  Enriquece tus conocimientos y desarrolla tu mente con cosas productivas que te hagan más interesante , lee libros, Obtén recomendaciones de películas, conéctate con amigos , sumérgete de lleno con lo que pasa a tu alrededor... actualízate  con los últimos hechos ocurridos  y muy importante….expresa un sincero interés y empatía por otros seres hunanos.

  Desarrollemos “La Voluptuosidad del Intelecto” , sin preocuparnos tanto  por la talla de nuestro jeans.
                                                                                       Por:  Yilva Kalmanson

Monday, April 16, 2012


I often read articles about the pursuit of happiness and I also think often that happiness is good to have but I know that permanent happiness does not occur without having sadness.  We experience continuous waves of happiness and sadness during our lives.

People who are perceived as always being a “happy person” are also considered not to be very clever or being shallow. When people are in a sad mood they can actually think and see things more clearly and therefore have the ability to solve problems in a more efficient way.

In my opinion, people talk about “happiness” as a permanent feeling which is not the same as being happy. Being happy at various times of one’s life is far more credulous than someone who says that he or she experiences permanent happiness.

We all experience bursts of happiness as well as sadness.  Life is full of ups and downs. When periods of sadness come into our lives, we simply welcome happiness with more enthusiasm.

For some people a happy life is a life of pleasure, for others happiness means success in one’s career or the accumulation of wealth. The more desirable or expensive the good they buy, the happier they become.  A life spent pursuing constant pleasures in order to receive automatic rewards cannot be durable or at the end truly rewarding.

For others, a happy life is being altruistic.  Doing something meaningful for others such as volunteering, donating money or working for a worthy cause can be a great source of satisfaction. Even if your motivation for being altruistic is in order to receive admiration or recognition from others it is still rewarding as well as a way of giving back and helping others.

The key to true happiness is finding the real meaning to our lives whether it is wanting to have a successful career, having a family, getting married or forming good relationships with others.

Finally and, most importantly, you need to be successful in finding something that you love to do without caring what the others think or do.  Only then you can find and enjoy true happiness and be strong enough to overcome the inevitable periods of sadness that every one must endure at one time or another.

                                                                                     Copyright by Yilva Kalmanson

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Recently I heard a friend of mine saying…Have you noticed the difference between frequency of traffic lights changing and the frequency of a car’s blinking lights to either turn right of left? She had noticed that before all those lights were little slower but now they move really fast like all of us.

People today have forgotten to think about where they want to go and why they want to go there. Instead they focus on just getting there.  Have you taken your time lately to think if the direction you are going is the right one?

Most of the time we are distracted trying to live as if it were no tomorrow. We are always running, always looking for shortcuts to get us there sooner, always focused on just getting there and not on enjoying the journey. Maybe all of us will soon become ill just because of the fast pace we are all living.  Have you sat with your children or a good friend lately? When was the last time you really took the time to enjoy a good meal or simply admire a nice sunset?

I think we can all accomplish something meaningful by learning how to live more slowly and reducing the ridiculous number of trivial tasks we race around trying to check off each day. Instead, we should give priority to accomplishing the truly important ones without having the mentality that the more you do it the better.

Take a moment to enjoy and take pride in every single thing you do. Focus on doing the right things at the right moment.  By doing this, it will allow you to achieve better and more meaningful results.

It's all about LIVING. But living at a good pace so that we live longer and healthier lives.

As for me, I will try to take baby steps and do a few things differently teach day than I did in the past.  I will slow down. I will take time to breath. I will take time to ENJOY life.  Life is not a race but an adventure but only if we take the time to pay attention to how we get there and why we wanted to get there in the first place.
                                                         By: Inspiramin
                                                                take a single dose of inspiration each day